Helping Antara
All of our services are provided free of charge. This means we have some pretty amazing people helping out behind the scenes, giving their time and energy for free. We would love to hear from you if you'd like to be involved with Antara, whether it's for an hour, a day, or a year.
We could not be prouder of our achievements and ability to care deeply for our clients. If you’d like to get involved, whether it's in the kitchen at the retreat or as a therapist at the clinic we'd love to hear from you.
Below you find some of the areas we could do with help at the moment.
Please check out the retreat, clinic, and association sections for other ways you can help.
Clinic Part-time Receptionist

We are urgently looking for volunteer receptionists for The Antara Free Natural Health Clinic in Te Atatu.
Experience is not required as training is provided.
A couple of hours a week free is all you need.
Call the clinic on 09 834 7987 or email info@antara.org.nz.
Clinic Marketing

Help support the marketing and advertising needs of the Antara Free Natural Health Clinic. A voluntary position, responsible for marketing, advertising, public relations, and social media co-ordination. Any level of help is appreciated with a 12-month commitment desirable.
Contact the clinic on 09 834 7987 or email info@antara.org.nz
Areas You Could Help
Retreat Marketing

We would love someone to help with marketing the retreat, events and supporting our social media. Be part of a team including fortnightly online marketing meetings with Leigh and Craig.
Please contact the retreat by email: retreat@antara.org.nz

We would love to find people passionate about organic gardening to support growing the nourishing food for the Antara Retreat. Help needed includes maintaining grounds, organic gardens, and fruit trees. A passion for the outdoors is essential, as well as a love of helping others.
Interested? Email: retreat@antara.org.nz for more info.
View other ways of joining us here