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Antara Free Natural Health Clinic

How You Can Help

The Clinic relies on people donating their time and welcomes both receptionists and qualified therapists to volunteer their skills. If you would like to join the Clinic team for a few hours a week, please fill in the application form below.​



The clinic is always in need of part-time receptionists to cover morning, afternoon, or full day (from 9am to 3pm). Training is provided and requires little technical ability.
We would love to hear from you if interested.



If you are interested in becoming a therapist then please make contact. We can provide information on current client needs as well as our onboarding process.


If you are interested in helping out in one way or another, please either call the clinic on 09-834 7987, or fill out the application form below. We would love to hear from you!


We would love your help!


Donations & Setting Up a Regular Automatic Payment
We don't pay anyone and we don't charge anyone. Charities don't come much more pure than that. What helps us the most financially is people who able to contribute a small amount often. All and any donations are welcome. Please consider s
upporting the clinic by setting up regular automatic payments to Antara Association Inc.'s ASB account 12-3071-0216902-00. Donations over $5 are tax-deductible, so please add your name in the code or reference field and email us your contact details for a receipt.


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